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Account Maintenance
The quickest ways to deposit money to your account are Electronic Funds Transfer or Bill Payment from your banking account. Alternatively, you can send a personal cheque (made payable to Aviso Financial Inc.) to us at:
Qtrade Investor
Accounts Department
700 - 1111 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4T6Please include your account number on the memo line of the cheque. Third-party cheques are not accepted.
To add another bank account, please send us an image of a void cheque with your name and address. This can be uploaded online in Accounts → Transfer Funds → Electronic Funds Transfer and select Add a New Financial Institution.
You can upload documents during the new application process or when adding another account (ID and secondary ID, utility bill or credit card statement), the Electronic Funding Transfer (EFT) process (void cheque or banking statement) and for account statements for e-Transfers. You can send files via the following formats: a PDF, JPG, BMP, or PNG copy of your statement or IDs. Each file type should be a maximum of 5 MB.
You can mail documents to:
Qtrade Investor
Accounts Department
700 - 1111 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4T6
Please include your name and account number on any document sent to us.
If you have an existing account and want to add account type, go to “Open an Account” and follow the prompts. Please use your existing user ID and password to log into your profile. Once logged in, select the new account type(s) you wish to add, ensure your information is still correct, answer any incomplete questions and electronically sign and submit. Please allow a few days for the new account to be added to your profile.
You can update your address and contact information directly in your Qtrade Investor account. Keeping your information up to date is a regulatory requirement and will ensure your account won’t get locked.
To update your information, log in to your Qtrade Investor account and go to Accounts > Service Centre > Contact Information. Update with your new information and click Update at the bottom of the page. Your changes will be reflected immediately on your account.
Once you’ve logged into to your account go to Accounts → Service Centre. Next under eDocuments select View eDocuments. You can find more information when you log into your account and view resources in our Tax Centre.
To reset your trading password, please go to a browser on your computer or phone as you cannot use the app for this.
Once logged in, go to:
Accounts → Service Centre → Security Centre to manage your passwords.
Follow the steps to create a new complex password which must be different than your login password.
To recover your username, go to the login screen and click on FORGOT USERNAME or FORGOT PASSWORD. You will be sent an email with steps to log in.
Once logged in, go to:
Accounts → Service Centre → Security Centre to manage your passwords.
Follow the steps to create a new complex password which must be different than the last one you used.
If you have been locked out of your Qtrade account, please phone us at 1.877.787.2330 in order to verify your identity before we unlock your account.
We would be sad to see you go, but if you wish close your account, be sure that all funds have been withdrawn from your account – leaving no cash or holdings. Once this is complete, send us an email to close the account at customersupport@qtrade.ca. Be aware, if you close the account within your first year, a fee of $100 plus tax will apply. Here are 3 ways you can remove funds from your Qtrade account:
- Transfer the account to another brokerage firm. Just contact the other financial institution to start the process. Please be aware of our transfer out fee of $150 plus tax.
- Sell all your holdings and withdraw the cash to your chequing account on file; or request a cheque by going to Accounts → Service Centre → Cheque Request
If you have a TFSA or an RRSP, you will need to
de-register the account by going to Accounts → Transfer Funds → Withdraw Registered Funds. Please be aware of the de-registration fee of $125 plus tax. -
Congratulations on your first home purchase. To make an RRSP withdrawal, please complete and email us the Home Buyer’s Plan Request to Withdraw Funds from an RRSP form from the CRA website, along with a short note of how you want us to get the money to you (EFT or mail a cheque). Be sure you sell enough of your holdings to cover the amount you’ll need to withdraw, plus the $125 fee. Upon receipt it will take approximately two-three business days to process the request and a few days for us to get the money to you if by EFT. Please allow a week or more if by cheque. Follow the same steps for the LLP withdrawal using the government form.
During the online account opening process , you will be asked if you wish to transfer an account, like a TFSA or an RRSP, from your credit union or other brokerage firm. You simply need to:
- Indicate whether you want the transfer to be "In-Cash" or "In-Kind" and if you want to transfer all or only a part of your portfolio
- Include a copy of your most recent statement from the transferring institution
If you are already a Qtrade Investor client, simply log in and use the online account e-Transfer service. Go to Accounts → Transfer Funds → Transfer Account.
Qtrade Investor will reimburse your transfer-out fee (up to $150) when transferring an account with a balance of $15,000 or more.
For reimbursement, please use the e-Transfer service to upload your statement from the transferring institution that shows the transfer charge or you can email us at customersupport@qtrade.ca and include your Qtrade Investor account number.
Cash Transfer: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the simplest way to transfer money into your Qtrade account from your banking account. Once your account is set up for EFT, you can transfer funds online by selecting Accounts → Transfer Funds → Electronic Funds Transfer.
Alternatively, you can add money in the same way you would pay a bill from your credit union or bank account. If you did not select the EFT service during your application process you can go to online banking and select Qtrade as a bill payee.
Transfer Funds: To transfer securities or an entire account from another firm to a Qtrade account, please use our e-Transfer service by going to Accounts → Transfer Funds → Transfer Account.
Transfers from another Canadian brokerage can generally be done electronically with no need to send us signed paperwork. Transfers from other institutions, such as a bank or mutual fund company, require a transfer form to be printed, signed and mailed to us at:
Qtrade Investor
Accounts Department
700 - 1111 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4T6 -
Withdrawals from a registered account plan can be done by logging in to your account, navigate to Accounts → Transfer Funds and go to Withdraw Registered Funds and then select the account type.
Please use the Cheque Request service for cash and margin accounts and the Deregistration Form for registered accounts
Cash balances in accounts do not earn interest. A lot of clients park their money temporarily in Money Market Mutual Funds (minimum $1,000 purchase and subsequent purchases of $1,000). There is no minimum holding period and no fee to buy or sell. Simply go to Trade → Mutual Fund to enter the order. The trade settles in one business day.
If you don’t want to purchase Money Market Mutual Funds, another option is to deposit them into a High Interest Savings Accounts (HISA).
If you are having any technical difficulties with our website you can see if it’s any one of the following issues:
- It may be your browser. Please try another browser or device.
- Many features on our site require you to accept the use of third-party cookies. Please ensure you have accepted third party cookie use.
- You may also experience technical difficulties if two different users (with unique logins) are trying to use the same computer. It is recommended that you use a different device or browser.
Your account is guaranteed by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF) should we become insolvent. GIC investments are covered by CDIC insurance up to $100K per issuer.
Customers’ accounts are protected by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund within specified limits. A brochure describing the nature and limits of coverage is available upon request or at www.cipf.ca.